Working across various media, my practice explores the interplay between the tangible – body, object and material – and the intangible – digital, energy and spirits . Alongside my dedicated studio practice, where I focus on creating sculptures, video installations, and photographic works, I develop long-term performative projects. Engaging the public as actors through location-specific choreographies, immersive soundscapes, and wearable textile props, they address fundamental themes such as love, compassion and death, while responding to the pressing environmental, political, and social challenges of our time.

Margret Wibmer (*Austria) is an internationally renowned visual and performance artist based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Her work explores the dynamic interplay between bodies, objects, and spaces. After formative years in New York City assisting minimalist artist Sol Lewitt alongside Kazuko Miyamoto, she developed a multidisciplinary practice spanning sculpture, video, photography, and participatory performance. Rooted in her upbringing in a textile-centered household, textiles remain a key material in her explorations of identity, care, and collective memory.
Her works have been exhibited and performed in Kikugawa area, Kanazawa, Japan i.c.w. NPO Tsuzuru; Fotoforum in Innsbruck, Austria; Capital C Amsterdam i.c.w. Amsterdam Art; Palais de Tokyo in Paris, RMIT Design Hub Melbourne, Oude Kerk in Amsterdam, Nishida Kitaro Museum of Philosophy in Japan, Kunstpavillon Innsbruck, KAI 10 – Arthena Foundation in Düsseldorf, Centro per l’arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato (Italy), Lumen Travo Gallery and Bradwolff Projects in Amsterdam, Movement Exposed Gallery Space in Utrecht and many other venues. Her work has appeared in publications such as Sony Style Magazine, Vestoy and Metropolis M. Monographs have been published by Kerber Verlag and VfmK – Verlag für Moderne Kunst.
Wibmer is an adjunct lecturer at the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts Singapore since 2021 and joined the US based Institute for Cultural Activism International as a board member and performer in 2022, reflecting her commitment to socially engaged art and cultural dialogue.