A hole is invisible without the surrounding material, but where is the material that originally filled the hole? From these reflections I developed ‘Ausschnitt aus Skulptur’ (‘Cutout from sculpture’) which is included as an original work of art in the publication Quart Heft für Kultur Tirol 39/2022, available in bookstores now and through ordering online.

In ‘Ausschnitt aus Skulptur’ residual material becomes the actual work. The corresponding holes are part of a monumental wall sculpture made from rubber, which so far only exists as a material sketch. Through Quart Heft 1000 signed and numbered pieces reach individual art lovers and thus a community of shareholders is created. They each have a share in something that does not (yet) exist, a share in nothing and therefore a share in everything. The work raises questions about (world)economic developments, NFTs, fake news, notions of progress and innovation, the visible and the invisible, and also makes us aware of our own impermanence. Furthermore, questions about ownership arise. Who owns this artwork? An individual or the group of all shareholders? And what happens when the wall sculpture is realised and eventually becomes part of a public or private art collection? How does this effect the value and appreciation of this work?