Kind invitation to the exhibition Hella Berent and Margret Wibmer “intrinsic oddity” curated by Marion Scharmann LABOR Projektgalerie Ebertplatzpassage 5, 50668 Cologne www.labor-ebertplatz.de Opening: Friday, 03 September 19.00 – 22.00 on the occasion of the DC OPEN 2021 DC OPEN opening hours: 03 September 11.00 – 22.00 04 September 11.00 – 20.00 05 September 11.00 – 18.00 Special Event: Saturday, 04 September,15.00 Book Launch „RELAY“ by Margret Wibmer in collaboration with French designer and visual artist Isabelle Vigier. Exhibition: 03 September – 01 October, 2020 open daily 15.00 – 20.00 Hella Berent and Margret Wibmer explore relations between bodies, objects, and spaces. The conceptual-poetic works of both artists are characterized by openness and a quiet oddity. This encourages the rethinking of established culture-dependent conventions. Thus, sensually and with ease, the two juxtaposed artistic positions refer to current issues such as feminism, (body)identity, or cultural affiliation. It would be a great pleasure welcoming you. Kind regards, Marion Scharmann and the LABOR team |