The mannequin motif is important to the way that the Surrealists reflected upon consumer society. It is a society in which not only handmade and industrially manufactured products are commercialized, but even the human body itself becomes a commodity.

The objectification of the body can be contrasted with the way that things and commodities are psychologized and eroticized. The things that the Surrealists seismographically observed, so to speak, comprise to this day an increasingly comprehensive phenomenon in our visual environment.

The reification of the body and its inverse, the animation of the object, are motifs that Margret Wibmer persistently pursues in her photographs and objects.

Ludwig Seyfarth, Artist talk with Margret Wibmer and Ingrid Pfeiffer at KAI 10 – Arthena Foundation in Düsseldorf, March 23rd, 2012