Time Out performance 2023, Oude Kerk Amsterdam. In the context of ‘It’s OK ….commoning uncertainties’ a multi-year project by Jeanne van Heeswijk ‘ and part of Circle 4, curated by Gijs Stork and Karolina Wargin.
Margret Wibmer’s performance ‘Time Out’ as the title of the work suggests, invites us to interrupt our daily routine and pause for a moment, but it also invites us to form our own reasons for taking time or making it. ‘Time Out’ is an invitation to break form in public and before an audience. The intervention is uncomplicated: visitors are invited to wear a robe-like garment covering their clothes, and choose a place to lie down in the exhibition space for as long as they wish. The garment, designed and individually hand-crafted by Wibmer, signifies a transition into another mode and works as a protective medium between the wearer, the space and any onlookers. Together with the unusual invitation to lie down in a public space, the re-shaping of identity is included within the artist’s proposition.
From Indivisible Parts of a Totality by Marianna Maruyama.
TIME OUT : Oude Kerk, Amsterdam
video documentation TIME OUT performance at Oude Kerk in Amsterdam during Museum Night Amsterdam, 7 November 2015
‘Wibmer has asked us to experience the church through the sensual, and this can be connected to the spiritual. Transforming the entire church interior into a kind of mise-en-scène, she encourages the visitors to be more aware of their own presence and the presence of those around them in a nonreligious meditation that interrupts daily life. The striking images of bodies at rest on the church floor, the sound of the organ being played as slowly as possible, the willed silence, and a slowly cooling body temperature prompt the mind, through the senses, to contemplate an elastic temporality, long after having left the church.’
From the ‘indivisible parts of a totality’ by Marianna Maruyama.
Concept, art direction, design garments: Margret Wibmer / Event production: Kim Evers / Technique: Piet Musters, Marcel van Breda / Project assistants: Rei Kakiuchi, Nell Berger, Malaya Wibmer, Lou Etoundi Menanga, Anna Baumgart, Gerry Wisman. Volunteers: Astrid van de Ven, Karime Salames Sainz, Timna Weber, Mona Maria, Maaike Fransen, Olena Radkovska, Esther van der Linde, Jamie McGeorge, Eva Windhouwer, Michela Morbio, Simone Boccaccio, Kalyan Namburi Venkata, Greig Marshall, Stania Branna, Barbara van Belle, Zuzana Sirova, Ronald Westerlaken, Na Tan, Marianna Gybels, Lynn van Lysen, Kalyan Namburi Venkata / Photography: Desiré van den Berg / Video, filming and editing: Florian Krepcik / Writers: Marianna Maruyama, Jing-Jing Lee / Organist: Jacob Lekkerkerker
Time Out was made possible through generous support of : Stichting Vrienden van de Oude Kerk, N8, Tijl Fonds, Stichting Stokroos, Austrian Embassy and Villgrater Natur, Booking.com.
TIME OUT : Palais de Tokyo, Paris
Le spectateur est sollicité dans tous les sens et son cerveau hyper-stimulé finit par se fait essorer comme une salade. Margret Wibmer l’invite à faire une pause, à s’éclipser un instant en se cachant dans un grand manteau griffé ‘Time Out’, mis à disposition pour se recouvrir le corps de la tête aux pieds.
Audrey Chazelle in Movement.net, April 21st 2016
Do Disturb Festival, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, 8 – 10 April 2016 / Curated by Vittoria Matarrese / Proposed by Sandberg Institute / Coordinated by Laure Jaffuel and Elise van Mourik / Project assistants: Karime Salame, Mona Steinhäuser and Timna Weber, Anna Baumgart, Eva Couple, Elie Bisson, Karina Hin, Cloe Coppola, Emmie Massias / Video documentation and photography: Florian Krepcik / Supported by Palais de Tokyo, Sandberg Institute, Bundeskanzleramt Österreich. (Federal Chancellery Austria)
TIME OUT : RMIT, Melbourne
TIME OUT performance during FASHION & PERFORMANCE / materiality, meaning, media 05.03.2015 – 02.04.2015 RMIT Design Hub, Melbourne, Australia / Curated by Dr.Jessica Bugg and Anna-Nicole Ziesche in collaboration with the Design Hub curators Kate Rhodes and Fleure Watson.
With works by Anna Baumgart, Maria Blaisse, Ulrik Martin Larsen, Charlotte Gyllenhammar, Imme van der Haak, Bart Hess & Lucy McCrae, B O U D I C C A, Jessica Bugg, Heyniek, Pyuupiru, Luke White & Remi Weekes, Marie and Kristian Schuller, Jacob Kok, Hussein Chalayan, Margret Wibmer, Adele Varcoe, D & K (Ricarda Bigolin and Nella Themelios), Lucy + Jorg Orta, Nirma Madhoo.
Concept and garments: Margret Wibmer / Camera and editing: Marc Morel / Assistants: Annabel Sloane, Stella Paramitha Budiarjo, Gabriela Nivita Darmawan, Alison Pyrke, Cheryl Anne / The production and realisation of TIME OUT was supported by RMIT Design Hub, RMIT University, Land Tirol, Austrian Embassy Canberra.
TIME OUT : Nakamura Memorial Museum, Kanazawa

TIME OUT is a contextual performance that invites new ways of thinking about the body in relation to space, history, time and traditions. It took place in in the two tea houses situated in the museum garden. Tea ceremony master Fuyuko Kobori developed a tea ceremony based on the principle of time.
Concept: Margret Wibmer / Direction: Akane Nakamori / Tea ceremony master: Fuyuko Kobori / Sweets: Tsuki Ten Shin / Special thanks to: Satomi Den, Jyuri Hosokawa, Yuko Sato, Yuriko Yanai, Chihiro Sakamoto, Kanazawa Art Organisation, Ayumi Kanaya, Kanazawa Art Gummi.