A hole is invisible without the surrounding material, but where is the material that originally filled the hole? From these reflections I developed ‘Ausschnitt aus Skulptur’ (‘Cutout from sculpture’) which is included as an original work of art in the publication Quart Heft für Kultur Tirol 39/2022, available now in bookstores and online. Click on ‘read more’ for direct link to publisher for online orders.
Recontruction – revisited
A new Reconstruction series was commissioned by Kunstraum Dreieich for a private collector. This offered an opportunity to revisit a project I had worked on during a research period in China some years ago, reflecting on urbanisation and mega cities as living spaces for humans and other species.
Artist talk – Museum der Stadt Lienz Schloss Bruck. 26.8.2021
On the occasion of my current videowork ‘Material Encounters’ included in the exhibition ‘Grenzenlos – von Trennlinien und Überwindungen’ at Museum der Stadt Lienz – Schloss Bruck, the museum is organising a public and artist talk at Rittersaal. Journalist Christine Brugger in conversation with Margret Wibmer. Reservation required.
Now available in the dolomitenstadt.at online artshop.
On the occasion of my current video work ‘Material Encounters’ included in the exhibition ‘Grenzenlos – von Trennlinien und Überwindungen’ at Museum der Stadt Lienz – Schloss Bruck, the Dolomitenstadt online shop is offering above work for sale. In parallel Dolomitenstadt Magazine published the following interview. (see link in post)
Recording: Margret Wibmer in conversation with Institute for Cultural Activism International – Tuning Fork Episode 26 – June 3 2021
John Halpern and Emily Harris, Founders of the Institute for Cultural Activism International are doing important work, connecting cultural activists and enabling rich conversations. It was a great pleasure to talk with them about my works and with the people that joined us.